News Releases

Tuesday, June 11, 2013Contact: Shannon Luce (859) 224-2716
Thoroughbred OwnerView Adds Sections on Veterinary Care and Racetracks

OwnerView, the free, informational website developed by The Jockey Club and the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association (TOBA) to assist prospective, new and current Thoroughbred owners, has added sections devoted to veterinary care and racetracks.

The “Veterinary” section helps owners understand the role of the veterinarian in managing their Thoroughbreds; the “Racetrack” section provides a variety of details about virtually every Thoroughbred track in North America.

“The new sections on contain valuable, factual information pertaining to the care of Thoroughbreds and the venues at which to race them,” said Gary Falter, vice president of operations for The Jockey Club and project manager for OwnerView.

Within the Veterinary section, visitors can research equine health topics, learn about racetrack injuries, become better educated about equine welfare and health considerations, review a list of equine hospitals, search for a veterinarian, and review Q & A in the “Ask a Vet” section.

This new section was developed in partnership with the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP).

“The AAEP’s mission is to improve the health and welfare of the horse and we can do that by providing information to Thoroughbred owners,” said Dr. Scott Hay, chairman of the AAEP’s Racing Committee. “We are proud to be the source of veterinary information for the OwnerView initiative.”

The Racetrack section of OwnerView was developed with input from Thoroughbred owners and several tracks, including Keeneland, NYRA, Woodbine, Del Mar and Arlington Park. This new section lists most Thoroughbred tracks in the U.S. and Canada, grouped by their daily average purse distribution, and provides information such as address, race dates, owner hospitality contact, and links to each track’s website.

“By presenting information such as daily average purse distribution, we can help the owner determine venues in which their horses will be competitive,” Falter said. “It will also help owners find contact information for all the tracks in one convenient location.”

OwnerView was launched by The Jockey Club and TOBA in May 2012, in the wake of McKinsey & Company’s economic study of the sport that recommended a central resource that would encourage Thoroughbred ownership and provide accurate information about purchasing and owning a Thoroughbred.

OwnerView includes information about trainers, racing syndicates, licensing, aftercare, and state incentive programs. For more information, visit

TOBA, based in Lexington, Ky., was formed in 1961 and is a national trade organization of leading Thoroughbred horse breeders and owners. TOBA’s mission is to improve the economics, integrity and pleasure of the sport on behalf of Thoroughbred owners and breeders. Projects managed by TOBA include the American Graded Stakes Committee, The Racing Game, Sales Integrity Program, and Claiming Crown. Thoroughbred Charities of America is the charitable arm of TOBA. TOBA is the owner of The Blood-Horse Inc. and is represented on the board of directors of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association as a founding member.

The Jockey Club, founded in 1894 and dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing, is the breed registry for North American Thoroughbreds. In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club provides support and leadership on a wide range of important industry initiatives and it serves the information and technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans and farms, among others. Additional information is available at